
DNNV can be used to run verification tools from the command line. If DNNV is not yet installed, see our Installation guide for more information.

DNNV Options#

DNNV can be run from the command line. Specifying the -h option will list the available options:

$ dnnv -h
usage: dnnv [-h] [-V] [--seed SEED] [-v | -q] [-N NAME NETWORK]
          [--save-violation PATH] [--vnnlib] [--bab]
          [--bab.reluify_maxpools RELUIFY_MAXPOOLS]
          [--bab.smart_branching SMART_BRANCHING] [--eran]
          [--eran.domain {deepzono,deeppoly,refinezono,refinepoly}]
          [--eran.timeout_lp TIMEOUT_LP] [--eran.timeout_milp TIMEOUT_MILP]
          [--eran.use_area_heuristic USE_AREA_HEURISTIC] [--marabou]
          [--mipverify] [--neurify] [--neurify.max_depth MAX_DEPTH]
          [--neurify.max_thread MAX_THREAD] [--nnenum]
          [--nnenum.num_processes NUM_PROCESSES] [--planet] [--reluplex]
          [--verinet] [--verinet.max_proc MAX_PROC]
          [--verinet.no_split NO_SPLIT]

dnnv - deep neural network verification

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  --seed SEED           the random seed to use
  -v, --verbose         show messages with finer-grained information
  -q, --quiet           suppress non-essential messages
  -N, --network NAME NETWORK
  --save-violation PATH
                        the path to save a found violation
  --vnnlib              use the vnnlib property format


bab parameters:
  --bab.reluify_maxpools RELUIFY_MAXPOOLS
  --bab.smart_branching SMART_BRANCHING

convert parameters: {vnnlib,rlv,nnet}
  --convert.dest DEST
  --convert.extended-vnnlib EXTENDED-VNNLIB

eran parameters:
  --eran.domain {deepzono,deeppoly,refinezono,refinepoly}
                        The abstract domain to use.
  --eran.timeout_lp TIMEOUT_LP
                        Time limit for the LP solver.
  --eran.timeout_milp TIMEOUT_MILP
                        Time limit for the MILP solver.
  --eran.use_area_heuristic USE_AREA_HEURISTIC
                        Whether or not to use the ERAN area heuristic.

neurify parameters:
  --neurify.max_depth MAX_DEPTH
                        Maximum search depth for neurify.
  --neurify.max_thread MAX_THREAD
                        Maximum number of threads to use.

nnenum parameters:
  --nnenum.num_processes NUM_PROCESSES
                        Maximum number of processes to use.

verinet parameters:
  --verinet.max_proc MAX_PROC
                        Maximum number of processes to use.
  --verinet.no_split NO_SPLIT
                        Whether or not to do splitting.

Only a single verifier can be specified. If a network is specified without a property (i.e., dnnv --network N /path/to/model.onnx), then DNNV will print a brief description of the network. This can be useful for understanding the structure of the network to be verified.

Running DNNV#

DNNV can be used to check whether a given property holds for a network. It accepts networks specified in the ONNX format, and properties specified in our property DSL, DNNP, (explained in more detail here). Networks can be converted to ONNX format by using native export utilities, such as torch.onnx.export in PyTorch, or by using an external conversion tool, such as MMDNN.

We provide several neural network verification benchmarks as example problems, available here.

One of these benchmarks, ERAN-MNIST, is from the evaluation of the ERAN verifier, and have been converted to the DNNP and ONNX formats required by DNNV.

To check a property for a network, using the ERAN verifier, DNNV can be run as:

dnnv --eran --network N onnx/pyt/ffnnRELU__Point_6_500.onnx properties/pyt/

This will check whether properties/pyt/, a local robustness property, holds for the network ffnnRELU__Point_6_500.onnx, a 6 layer, 3000 neuron fully connected network.

DNNV will first report a basic description of the network, followed by the property to be verified. It will then run the specified verifier and report the verification result and the total time to translate and verify the property. The output of the property check above should resemble the output below:

$ dnnv --eran --network N onnx/pyt/ffnnRELU__Point_6_500.onnx properties/pyt/
Verifying property:
Forall(x_, ((([[[-0.008 -0.008 ... -0.008 -0.008] [-0.008 -0.008 ... -0.008 -0.008] ... [-0.008 -0.008 ... -0.008 -0.008] [-0.008 -0.008 ... -0.008 -0.008]]] < (0.1307 + (0.3081 * x_))) & ((0.1307 + (0.3081 * x_)) < [[[0.008 0.008 ... 0.008 0.008] [0.008 0.008 ... 0.008 0.008] ... [0.008 0.008 ... 0.008 0.008] [0.008 0.008 ... 0.008 0.008]]]) & (0 < (0.1307 + (0.3081 * x_))) & ((0.1307 + (0.3081 * x_)) < 1)) ==> (numpy.argmax(N(x_)) == 9)))

Verifying Networks:
Input_0                         : Input([ 1  1 28 28], dtype=float32)
Transpose_0                     : Transpose(Input_0, permutation=[0 2 3 1])
Reshape_0                       : Reshape(Transpose_0, [ -1 784])
Gemm_0                          : Gemm(Reshape_0, ndarray(shape=(500, 784)), ndarray(shape=(500,)), transpose_a=0, transpose_b=1, alpha=1.000000, beta=1.000000)
Relu_0                          : Relu(Gemm_0)
Gemm_1                          : Gemm(Relu_0, ndarray(shape=(500, 500)), ndarray(shape=(500,)), transpose_a=0, transpose_b=1, alpha=1.000000, beta=1.000000)
Relu_1                          : Relu(Gemm_1)
Gemm_2                          : Gemm(Relu_1, ndarray(shape=(500, 500)), ndarray(shape=(500,)), transpose_a=0, transpose_b=1, alpha=1.000000, beta=1.000000)
Relu_2                          : Relu(Gemm_2)
Gemm_3                          : Gemm(Relu_2, ndarray(shape=(500, 500)), ndarray(shape=(500,)), transpose_a=0, transpose_b=1, alpha=1.000000, beta=1.000000)
Relu_3                          : Relu(Gemm_3)
Gemm_4                          : Gemm(Relu_3, ndarray(shape=(500, 500)), ndarray(shape=(500,)), transpose_a=0, transpose_b=1, alpha=1.000000, beta=1.000000)
Relu_4                          : Relu(Gemm_4)
Gemm_5                          : Gemm(Relu_4, ndarray(shape=(500, 500)), ndarray(shape=(500,)), transpose_a=0, transpose_b=1, alpha=1.000000, beta=1.000000)
Relu_5                          : Relu(Gemm_5)
Gemm_6                          : Gemm(Relu_5, ndarray(shape=(10, 500)), ndarray(shape=(10,)), transpose_a=0, transpose_b=1, alpha=1.000000, beta=1.000000)

  result: unsat
  time: 61.0565

Another common option is the --save-violation /path/to/array.npy which will save any violation found by a verifier as a numpy array at the path specified. This can be useful for viewing counter-examples to properties and enables performing additional debugging and analysis later.